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"a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."

The Road to Enlightenment

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternal societies in the world.  It will provide you with a code of living in today’s community, based on good moral and ethical standards. It is an organisation of men who try to live by the principles of integrity and goodwill which unifies them, regardless of colour, creed or worldly status. It is a non profit making organisation that is involved in supporting charity and service to the community. It will provide you with a common interest where you can meet and enjoy the company of like minded men from all walks of life.

So What is This About?

The three essential qualifications for membership to Freemasonry cover your spiritual, moral and physical aspects. The qualifications are as follows:- The essential spiritual qualification is that you must believe in a Supreme Being. Membership is open to men of any race or religion who can fulfill this essential qualification and who can satisfy the other two requirements. The moral qualification is that you must be of good repute, a loyal citizen and obedient to the laws of the land. The physical qualification is that you are male and must be at least 21 years old. This age qualification exists to ensure that you are free to formulate your opinions, and exercise your own judgement. Wives, partners and families of members are of course, encouraged to enjoy many of the social aspects of Freemasonry, but it is only men who are eligible for membership.



If you are Interested in joing our order simply contact us using the link provided and we will get in touch with you to arange a visit. Once approved by a board of Past Masters your application will be subject to a ballot in open lodge. Thereafter we will arrange for your entry into Freemasonry, there are certain financial responsibilities associated with your membership, just as there are costs in membership of any organisation. These however, are not too onerous. The fees payable are set by the Lodge in its By-laws which include:- An initiation fee payable prior to joining the Lodge. This covers your registration with Grand Lodge, and the provision of a certificate which will be presented to you on becoming a full member of our organisation known as a Master Mason. An annual subscription payable to the Lodge. The Lodge uses this to maintain the facilities of the Lodge, either to cover the rent of premises, or the maintenance of our premises, social occasions and for all other matters of lodge administration.



Freemasonry constantly strives to receive trustworthy men into its organisation and its teachings will assist you to appreciate the friendships formed and the oportunities to improve society in general. All who join, actively participate in our meetings, build a unique comradeship, develop confidence in communicating with others and put our principles to practice.